These treatments can be very gentle and subtle (such as craniosacral therapy), or more aggressive (such as spinal manipulation). The treatments may focus on soft tissues (muscles, fascia), nerves, or joint mobility. Manual therapy can be very beneficial for reducing pain, increasing mobility and range of motion, and assisting in a return to activities of daily life or sports. Comox Physiotherapy Clinic is fortunate to have physiotherapists with advanced manual therapy training in a wide spectrum of treatment types. We are a ‘hands-on’ clinic, and proud of it!
Comox Physiotherapy Clinic offers a wide range of traditional and effective treatment options such as - Laser Therapy, Ultrasound Therapy, Electrical Modalities, and Kinesiotaping/Sports Taping. Specific exercise prescription - both for home exercises and using our modern equipment in the clinic - are likely to be a part of your treatment experience.