
Kinesiology & Exercise Classes


Kinesiology & Exercise Classes

Kinesiology is the science of human movement. 


Our kinesiologists are human movement specialists and work with you to evaluate your physical activity, function, and movement patterns to recommend and deliver solutions for your health, exercise and work and social settings.  Kinesiologists can help to “bridge” your transition from clinical treatments to being able to be independent and active. They work closely with other health professionals and with you in one-on-one or small group settings to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.  We can provide fitness testing, exercise therapy for injury and chronic disease, including after motor vehicle accidents (ICBC), support for return to work and lifestyle and physical activity planning.


We also offer small group classes which are a fun way to transition back into a more active lifestyle and reach your full potential. 

  • Aging Independently – Stay balanced and strong in this class that focuses on helping older adults with balance, strength and flexibility.