
Craniosacral Therapy


Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy was developed in the past century by osteopathic physicians in the USA and is now performed by many practitioners including physiotherapists.


It involves the craniosacral system which is composed of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord and the cerebrospinal fluid that bathes these tissues.

 Any disruption of this system – (ie. motor vehicle accidents, neck and back pain, TMJ difficulties, orthopaedic or spinal/pelvic alignment problems) can result in an imbalance which is manifested by various symptoms. Some common complaints are headache, dizziness, eye problems, difficulty concentrating and chronic pain. An individual will respond in a very specific way to his/her impairment.

Craniosacral therapy uses very light touch to detect imbalances in the rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid and membranous or bony restriction in the cranium.

 Gentle techniques are utilized to help your body reach a better way of moving and a more balanced equilibrium. These techniques are usually focused on the skull and the sacrum although areas along the spine and the extremities are sometimes treated as well. In our experience with the technique, many people reach a much better level of function and healing after having craniosacral therapy.