
Cardiac Rehabilitation Program


Cardiac Rehab

INTRODUCING our Cardiac rehabilitation Program for people who have experienced cardiac events or procedures, and those at risk for cardiovascular disease. 


What is the cardiac rehab & risk reduction program?

A specially-designed 10-week fitness program tailored to cardiac patients. This exercise-based program helps participants form habits to improve their cardiovascular fitness with movement such as walking, cycling, rowing, jogging, and resistance training, and also addresses mobility and stability. This program can help you develop a framework to make a difference in your quality of life, physical wellness, and healthy lifestyle. Participants are closely supervised and guided by an expert in Cardiac Rehab, a Clinical Exercise Physiologist (CEP) who will tailor a cardiac rehabilitation program to your needs.

Long term benefits can include:

  • Improved strength

  • Weight management

  • Decreased risk of coronary artery disease & other heart conditions

  • Developing better tools to manage stress

  • Implementing or reinforcing heart-healthy habits, such as exercise & diet

  • Learning to cope with heart disease

  • Reduction in harmful habits, such as smoking

Don’t worry if you haven’t exercised in a while, or if you’ve never exercised before. Our Clinical Exercise Physiologist will ensure your program moves at a safe and comfortable pace.


Who can benefit from this program:

  • People who have experienced a cardiac event (heart attack, heart failure, peripheral artery disease, chest pain/angina, cardiomyopathy, some congenital heart diseases)

  • People who have had a cardiac procedure (coronary artery bypass surgery, angioplasty & stents, heart valve repair or replacement)

  • People at risk for developing coronary artery disease or another metabolic disease

You may be referred by your physician or specialist, but a referral is not required. You are welcome to join us!


What to expect:

This program begins with a one-on-one visit with our Clinic Exercise Physiologist to discuss your goals for the program and assess your individual needs, including your physical abilities, medical limitations, and any other conditions you may have. Together, we will look at tour risk factors for complications, particularly during exercise. After this visit, you can join the group classes for a 10-week program. You can choose to attend either once a week, or twice a week.

Throughout the group classes, you can expect:

  • Monitoring of your blood pressure and heart rate

  • Safe & fun exercises for cardiovascular fitness and resistance training

  • Muscle-strengthening exercises, such as lifting weights

  • Mobility, flexibility, and stability exercises

  • Warm up & cool down

  • Ongoing evaluation to track your progress over time

One of the most valuable benefits of cardiac rehabilitation is often an improvement in your overall quality of life. If you stick with your cardiac rehab program, you may end up feeling better than before you had a heart condition or had heart surgery.


Pre-Program Assessment Visit (50-min): $90 *(required prior to starting any cardiac rehab program)

10-week program (2 sessions/week): $600 ($30/1-hour session)

10-week program (1 session/week): $350 ($35/1-hour session)

Other options:

6 weeks (2x/week): $360.00 plus GST

4 weeks (2x/week): $280.00 plus GST

4 weeks (1x/week): $140.00 plus GST


Mondays - 9:00AM or 10:10AM

Wednesdays - 2:00PM or 3:10PM



Barbara Morris

A recent arrival to the Comox Valley, Barb believes in health & fitness throughout life as a continuum, through the many stages and ages, using exercise, movement, and lifestyle to optimize our quality of life.

Barb has been a member of the road cycling community for many years – racing for local teams, and medaling at both the National and International level. Barb has NCCP Club Coach status and has been coaching teams & individuals for almost 20 years. She loves riding here and around the world!

Prior to moving to Vancouver Island, Barb provided both Cardiac Rehabilitation programs and Clinical Exercise Testing in North Vancouver for many years following a career in Cardiology Technology at Lions Gate Hospital. She brings a wealth of experience and expertise in the area of cardiac rehabilitation and is developing a cardiac rehabilitation program at Comox Physiotherapy Clinic. This program is designed for people who have experienced a cardiac event or procedure, as well as those at risk of coronary artery disease or other metabolic disease. She is an advocate for enhancing health & physical well-being with specific exercise.

Education and Training

In addition to studying kinesiology at Simon Fraser University, Barb pursued training in Functional Movement Systems – screening to assess movement patterns that can lead to lack of mobility and injury. She is a Clinical Exercise Specialist, certified by the American College of Sports Medicine as well as the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology.